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It is a GUI component used to hold canvas at runtime.
By default every module holds a window.
It is provided by forms automatically ie window1

Types of windows
There are two types of windows
1) window1  --  It is window available in application.
2) forms_mdi_window -- window available at runtime to hold the application window.

At run time window hierarchy is as follows

To understand the window hierarchy, 
Open the form builder tool Open existing form BANKMASTER.fmb
Program Run form

To change the properties
set_window_property  --  is the built_in used to change properties of the window at runtime.

Create table EMPELEVEN same as standard EMP table.

Create a new form based on empeleven by using data block and layout wizard.
Save the form with the name EMP_ELEVEN.fmb

In the Object navigator, create PRE-FORM trigger  ( form level )

provide the following code and compile

set_window_property ( 'window1', window_state, maximize );
set_window_property ( 'window1' , title , 'Employee');
set_window_property ( forms_mdi_window , window_state , maximize );

set_window_property ( forms_mdi_window , title , 'My Application' );


Save the form.
Compile the form.
Run the form.

Window types   ( Form window1 )
"Window stype" property defines it.

1) Document window ( default )  ( Dependent window )
It is a user defined window. Will be under the control of run-time window ( forms_mdi_window ).

2) Dialog window ( Independent window )
User defined window. Can be placed outside the run-time window.

Modal property
Modal property for the window can be set to YES  or  NO

By default Modal property for the window is NO.
User can work with more than one window at a time.
Allows to open one or more windows at once.

When Modal property is set to YES,
We should respond to the current window.
We cannot work with other window, without responding to the current window.